
The Simulation Dome

The book explaining reality the way we percieve it: mythology, spirituality, religion, the past, the present and the future.
© Martin Vrijland - 2022


Have you ever had those moments in life in which you thought “Somewhere somehow something is not right around here”? Have you ever thought something like “I don’t belong here”? Have you ever looked into the mirror and see your body and face changing but inside you felt your true self?

When time goes by you realize more and more that something is going on but you can’t put your finger on it. You watch the media and look for truth but you mainly discover how we are being played.

Maybe you had times when you felt alone, in a strange world, surrounded by people who lived their lives as if nothing seemed weird to them.

You looked for the truth but it seemed so hard to find. You found some truth here, and you found some truth there, but never did it give you that feeling of: “This explains it all!”

Total understanding of the reality as you perceive it is about to be revealed to you. You will be able to explain history, current events and the future because you have discovered how it works.

All the time you knew that there must be an escape, but it all seemed so complicated and required a lot of study or practice of meditation and spirituality.

That’s why you discovered this book. When you read it the whole picture becomes clear and you will know that you are in a winning and powerful position! It truly is the beginning of a new life and the first step to total freedom!

It will feel like a curtain is being pulled away in front of your eyes. You start seeing how it worked all along and from now on you will understand everything, and you can sit back and relax to enjoy the ride, because you know the outcome.

The revelations begin

To discover the revelations of this book you subscribe and make a onetime donation of €20. This will give you immediate access to the book. You don’t need to be a member first. You subscribe and have access for a thousand years. Anyone can do it.

The book contains 240 pages of written text, images and videos that help to clarify what you read. There will not come a paper version of this book anytime soon. The videos are too important and can’t be replaced with words.

I wish you much pleasure in reading this book, and I am convinced that you will read it more than once.

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© The Simulation Dome - Martin Vrijland